Job Market Candidates 2024/25
Ph.D. Program in Economics

Casemiro Campos

Contact Information

Goethe University Frankfurt
House of Finance
Theodor-W.-Adorno Platz 3
60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

E-Mail, Personal website


Ph.D., Economics, Goethe University Frankfurt, GSEFM program, 2025 (expected)
Integrated M.Sc., Quantitative Economics, Goethe University Frankfurt, GSEFM program, 2023
B.Sc., Economics, Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (EPGE-FGV), 2019

Fields of Specialization

Education Economics, Labor Economics, Applied Microeconomics

Teaching Experience

Goethe University Frankfurt 2024
Teaching Assistant - Economic Growth: Development and Inequalities (EGDI)

Curriculum Vitae

Click here to download the CV.


Prof. Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Ph.D.
WZB Berlin Social Science Center and Goethe University Frankfurt

E-mail: nicola.fuchs[at]wzb[dot]eu

Prof. Guido Friebel, Ph.D.
Goethe University Frankfurt

E-mail: gfriebel[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de

Prof. Matthias Schündeln, Ph.D.
Chair of Development Economics
Goethe University Frankfurt
E-mail: schuendeln[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de

Nina Buchmann, Ph.D.
Department of Economics
Yale University
E-mail: nina.buchmann[at]yale[dot]edu

Working Papers

The Oscars of Education: The Effects of a Tournament Between Public Schools (Job Market Paper)

Abstract: This study presents evidence from a rank-order tournament among schools in Brazil. Yearly, top performing schools receive a non-pecuniary recognition and a financial prize. Further, low-performing schools are designated to a support program, where they are allocated an extra budget and paired with an awardee to implement a cooperation program. A differences-in-discontinuities design is implemented by exploring the timing and eligibility criteria, revealing substantial improvements in students’ test scores among eligible schools due to the tournament’s introduction. Eligible schools locally outperformed non-competing schools by 0.23 and 0.34 standard deviations in Portuguese and Mathematics, respectively. Furthermore, by exploring an exogenous cutoff that assigns the yearly prize, I implement a fuzzy regression discontinuity design, and I find that winning the award has no effect on test scores three years later. However, performing an analogous procedure, I find that low-performing schools assigned to the support program witness a significant improvement in future test scores.


On the Value of Distance Higher Education: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Teaching Degrees

Abstract: Technological advancements have expanded access to higher education through online and distance learning. However, the comparability of these programs to traditional in-person education remains unclear. This paper examines the impact of attending a distance education degree on the performance of primary school teachers. I leverage the distance to the nearest in-person teaching institution as an instrument to address self-selection into distance degrees. Analysis under the Marginal Treatment Effect framework reveals positive selection into distance degrees. Individuals who select themselves into distance education tend to benefit from it compared to attending an in-person degree. Conversely, individuals less inclined to distance education perform worse, on average, when they choose this path. This study highlights the potential downsides of untargeted distance higher education expansion.
