Job Market Candidates 2024/25
Ph.D. Program in Economics

Johanna Saecker
Contact Information
Goethe University Frankfurt
House of Finance
Theodor-W.-Adorno Platz 3
60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)1578 8637226
E-Mail, Personal website

Ph.D., Economics, Goethe University Frankfurt, GSEFM program, 2025 (expected)
M.Sc., Economics and Financial Economics, University of Nottingham, 2016
M.Sc., International Political Economy, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2015
B.A., International Relations, Technical University Dresden, 2014
Fields of Specialization
Macroeconomics, Firm dynamics, Climate change, Computational economics
Teaching areas
Introductory Macroeconomics, Climate Macroeconomics, Introduction to Linear Algebra and Computational Methods (with Matlab), Firm dynamics, Business Cycles, Monetary Economics
Curriculum Vitae
Click here to download the CV.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Goethe University Frankfurt, IMFS
Theodor-W.-Adorno Platz 3
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Prof. Michael Binder, Ph.D.
Goethe University Frankfurt
Theodor-W.-Adorno Platz 3
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Ulf Söderström, PhD
Head of Research, Research Division
Sveriges Riksbank
SE-103 37 Stockholm
Job Market paper
Investing in the Green Transition and Competition from Laggards
with Philip Schnattinger
We study heterogeneous firms’ greening investment decisions and the role of competition between early greening investors and non-investors (“laggards”) therein. Empirically we show that firms have a higher propensity to engage in greening investment if they are more productive, less financially constrained and expect positive effects from an economy-wide transformation to climate-neutrality (green transition) on their competitiveness. We incorporate these facts into a dynamic heterogeneous firm model. We show that competition from non-investors keeps aggregate prices and thus idiosyncratic profits low and prevents possible early greening investors from engaging in greening investment. Incorporating expectations about a future green economy with increased competitiveness for early greening investors increases greening investment already today. Furthermore, easing financing constraints by 50% increases the share of greening firms by roughly 20%-points in the early stages of a green transition.
Other papers
Solving Linear DSGE Models with Newton Methods
with Alexander Meyer-Gohde
published in Economic Modelling 133, 2024
This paper presents and compares Newton-based methods from the applied mathematics literature for solving the matrix quadratic that underlies the recursive solution of linear DSGE models. The methods are compared using nearly 100 different models from the Macroeconomic Model Data Base (MMB) and different parameterizations of the monetary policy rule in the medium-scale New Keynesian model of Smets and Wouters (2007) iteratively. We find that Newton-based methods compare favorably in solving DSGE models, providing higher accuracy as measured by the forward error of the solution at a comparable computation burden. The methods, however, suffer from their inability to guarantee convergence to a particular, e.g. unique stable, solution, but their iterative procedures lend themselves to refining solutions either from different methods or parameterizations.
Solving Linear DSGE Models with Structure-Preserving Doubling Methods
with Johannes Huber and Alexander Meyer-Gohde
IMFS Working Paper No. 195 (2023)
This paper applies structure preserving doubling methods to solve the matrix quadratic underlying the recursive solution of linear DSGE models. We present and compare two Structure-Preserving Doubling Algorithms (SDAs) to other competing methods – the QZ method, a Newton algorithm, and an iterative Bernoulli approach – as well as the related cyclic and logarithmic reduction algorithms. Our comparison is completed using nearly 100 different models from the Macroeconomic Model Data Base (MMB) and different parameterizations of the monetary policy rule in the medium scale New Keynesian model of Smets and Wouters (2007) iteratively. We find that both SDAs perform very favorably relative to QZ, with generally more accurate solutions computed in less time. While we collect theoretical convergence results that promise quadratic convergence rates to a unique stable solution, the algorithms may fail to converge when there is a breakdown due to singularity of the coefficient matrices in the recursion. One of the proposed algorithms can overcome this problem by an appropriate (re)initialization. This SDA also performs particular well in refining solutions of different methods or from nearby parameterizations.