Application Dossiers
Admission to the MSQ and Ph.D. programs at GSEFM occurs as part of a competitive process on the basis of the review of the application dossiers by the admissions committee. In evaluating the application dossiers, the admissions committee inter alia gives consideration to the following factors:
Beyond previous education with adequate coverage of quantitative methods, a strong interest in research on the substantive issues covered in the GSEFM program for which an application is submitted to as well as the ability to communicate well in English language are essential for successful studies at GSEFM. Such preparation and motivation is expected to be documented by two essays answering the following questions:
Question #1 (answer not to exceed 2,000 words):
Describe how in your academic work to date you have demonstrated expertise in making use of mathematical/statistical methods and/or other areas of logical reasoning. Make sure to include a short description of the methods you have used, and briefly explain why you chose to use those methods rather than alternative methods.
Question #2 (answer not to exceed 2,000 words):
Choosing an area of research within the Ph.D. program [MSQ: within the track of the MSQ program] at GSEFM that you are applying for, outline the contents of a term paper that is supposed to (i) address a question that - within this area of research - is topical, (ii) review what conclusions can be reached on the basis of the current state of the literature, and (iii) make proposals how the literature may need to be extended so as to reach a sound conclusion.
In evaluating these essays, the admissions committee takes into account whether prior studies were exclusively at the Bachelor level, or involved studies at the Master’s level as well.
An undergraduate and/or graduate specialization in economics or business is not required. As the first-year courses in the GSEFM programs assume familiarity for example with multivariable calculus, statistical inference, econometrics through linear regression, and linear algebra, adequate mathematical preparation is very important. The minimum previous degree prerequisite is a Bachelor's degree (to be completed at the time of beginning of studies at GSEFM), in a degree program with adequate coverage of quantitative methods. Candidates who have not completed a Bachelor's degree in a degree program with adequate coverage of quantitative methods are expected to have completed (at the time of beginning of studies at GSEFM) a Master's degree in a degree program with adequate coverage of quantitative methods. While there is no minimum grade point average, given the quality of applications regularly received by GSEFM, the admissions committee's standard should typically be expected to be above a "B" grade point average.
Two confidential letters of evaluation are required. At least one of these will need to be from a university professor. The letters of evaluation provide evidence regarding the applicant’s aptitude for the GSEFM program for which the application is submitted. The letters shall be submitted either by e-mail directly by the evaluators using their own institutional email accounts, or alternatively can also be sent by postal mail (but then need to be in a sealed envelope) by the evaluator or the applicant. Evaluations consist of the evaluation form and a separate written statement by the evaluator.
For all applicants it is highly recommended to submit the Quantitative Reasoning Score of the GRE General Test. Applicants to the MSQ program tracks / Ph.D. progams in Accounting, Finance or Marketing may submit the Quantitative Score of the GMAT/GMAT Focus as a substitute for the Quantitative Reasoning Score of the GRE General Test. While both tests also contain verbal and analytical writing sections, the admissions committee does not expect these other sections to be taken. A quantitative score in the upper 20th percentile (upper 25th percentile) provides stand-alone evidence in favor of reasonably strong quantitative skills for the Ph.D. (MSQ) programs. The test scores may be complemented by other forms of documentation of strong quantitative skills, such as through successful completion of courses that are part of the curriculum of an internationally recognised degree program in mathematics or statistics. Test scores that at the time of the deadline for which the complete application is submitted (January 31, March 31 or May 31) are older than four years cannot be credited (though may still be submitted). The GRE Designated Institution Code for GSEFM is "7276". The GMAT Designated Institution Codes are "7HK-9Q-90", "7HK-9Q-96", "7HK-9Q-92", "7HK-9Q-26", "7HK-9Q-23", "7HK-9Q-97", depending on the program within GSEFM.
The exclusive language of all GSEFM programs is English. Sufficiently strong English language skills may be documented in one of the following forms: (i) A diploma/degree certificate from a secondary school with English as the official language of instruction (the secondary school must have been attended for at least two years); (ii) Official confirmation of the successful completion of at least one year of university-level studies in a degree program being exclusively taught in English language; (iii) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) scores. The minimum scores are as follows: TOEFL/iBT: 93; TOEFL/PBT: 580; IELTS: 7.0. The TOEFL Designated Institution Code for GSEFM is "7276".
Application/Admissions Process and Deadlines
The same application process applies to all GSEFM degree programs, although there will be different admissions committees for each program/program track (Accounting, Economics, Finance and Marketing). Applications will be reviewed in three stages with the following deadlines:
In stage one, all applications received by January 31 will be reviewed. Particularly strong applicants from this pool of applications will receive a positive admissions decision around the middle of March. Other applicants from this pool of applications will be reconsidered in stage three.
In stage two, all applications received between February 1 and March 31 will be reviewed. Particularly strong applicants from this pool of applications will receive a positive admissions decision around the end of May. All remaining applicants from this pool of applications will be reconsidered in stage three.
In stage three, all applications received between April 1 and May 31 will be reviewed. Applicants from this pool of applications will learn about the positive admissions decisions in July.
All applicants who could not be admitted will be duly informed once the admission process has been completed.
GSEFM strongly encourages applicants to submit their application dossier in stage one or stage two, so as to have sufficient time for visa applications and other arrangements. Also, all financial aid (see also the separate section on financial aid) may be awarded during the first or second stage of the admissions process.